Please register your interest to join our group.
Choose Amanora Park Town, (Pune) as the location during registration
Our Mission
To bring running and fitness sports to everyone in the community irrespective of their backgrounds and to help each individual reach their potential in the truest sense. To create a new learning space that breaks the notion of a restricted area, physically or mentally, where anyone should learn.
Our Values
Environment and Communities
All decisions and actions as a community will be made ensuring least or zero impact to the environment, constantly re-evaluating and improving our processes and systems.
We would strive to make ourselves better every time and consider it as disrespect to our members if we can't provide the same or better quality of experience.
Team and management
Our approach to building our team will be to find people who like what we do and are passionate about their interests. We would request members, who believe in values of the community, to join us and would strive to represent cultural, ethnic and gender diversity in the team.
"We don't exist to make a profit and a living. We make a profit and a living in order to exist”. Making a profit will be seen in perspective of making the community sustainable and providing a good quality of life for the members of our community.
Philanthropy will not be seen as an entity distinct from the Values, Functioning and Philosophy of the community. In every effort we are involved with, we will try and strive towards a more equal and just society.
Communication and transparency
We will maintain complete transparency within the team on the finances and functioning. We will follow an open door system where any member of the community can walk in and voice their opinion, complaint or suggestion without fear of being discriminated.
5 KMs
This is our beginner training program and is open to all ages above 5 years
Half Marathon
This program is for those who have done multiple 10K training seasons and are looking for a different challenge
Full Marathon Base Building
This program is tailored as a preparatory program for full marathon
Full Marathon
This program is designed for those who want to pursue their running journey towards successfully completing a distance of 42.2km
Ultra Marathon
Runners High offers this program for all distances above 42.2 kms
For me, running is not an exercise for a stronger body and bones. It is a new way of living a healthy and good life. When I do long runs it is only me and myself, “a pure form of meditation”. I feel like a happy kid when the breeze touches my face during a run. People around me in my running group help me understand what healthy life is, and that I should run for health not money. The best part is we all are pushing each other without any self-interest but to create a good and healthy community.
Akash Sharma
half marathoner, training with RH since 2021
Every Saturday morning, I get a new target for the long run, and I always wonder, can I complete it? But all it takes is the first step with the RH group. And then a few more steps, and before you know it, you have achieved your goal. RH taught me that no matter how difficult the journey, just taking the first step is all that is necessary.
Kunal Shah
first time runner, learner, training with RH since 2022
Running has made me realize that human body is amazing. What seemed difficult 3 months ago, is now an everyday affair. Discipline of schedule, support of coaches and power of RH community can help one achieve wonders with deep impact on physical and mental well-being. Running started as a zehmat (hardship), soon became an aadat (habit) and now is chahat (love)...
Punit Mittal
training with RH since 2021
RH is more than running to me, it’s an addiction to liberation, a gateway to healthy way and an easy path to happy, fulfilling day. To me, it reinforced my old but once fading ‘never say die’ attitude in a way no words can say. Running and Runner High is indeed one of the great privileges I have and wanna enjoy it every day
Pramod Kejriwal
half marathoner, training with RH since 2022
I joined Runners High for the Winter season training for 10K run. In a period of 14 weeks, I was able to run 10K with ease and not be anxious about getting injured. The training program follows scientifically developed schedule that also focuses on strength training, yoga, rest and nutrition. RH is not just about fitness, you feel you are part of an inclusive & passionate community who are there to support & guide all runners to reach their fitness goals. Though coaches have their own daily fitness schedules, personal commitments like get their kids ready for school or reach office on time, they plan their day & keep their commitments with beginners. This is very inspiring. You feel you are part of a community that nurtures runners and also instils discipline in your personal life. Additionally, I feel proud to know that our contributions to the RH fees are being used for social causes and betterment of the underprivileged kids. I am happy to be part of Runners High because, here I get to improve my fitness, discipline & also contribute to society in my own little way.
Anilkumar Nesarikar
Beginner, training with RH since 2012
कुछ पुराने मित्रों ने "सार्थक सेवा संघ " को "Runner's High (RH)" ग्रुप से 2019 में जोड़ा। उन्होंने सार्थक की जो जरूरतें थी उनको समझा और जो हमारा छोटा सा सिलाई मशीन केंद्र था उसके लिए पहले 5 सेमी कमर्शियल सिलाई मशीन हमें दिलवाई, फिर लड़कियों के हॉस्टल में सीसीटीवी कैमरा लगवाया एक वाटर फिल्टर लगवाया । इस सिलाई मशीन केंद्र के माध्यम से 10 लड़कियों ने सभी प्रकार के कपड़े सिलने का हुनर सीख लिया है।आगे चलकर उनका एक रनिंग इवेंट शुरू होने वाला था उसकी जानकारी हमें दी गई। पूरा RH ग्रुप सार्थक में आया और इस प्रकार से मैं खुद और सभी बच्चे रोज सुबह रनिंग करने लगे और एस.टी .करने लगे और इस प्रकार से अच्छी सेहत बनाने का हमें एक मुफ्त मार्ग मिल गया । RH के माध्यम से बच्चों में अब रनिंग की अर्थात फिट रहने की इतनी इच्छा जाग गई है कि वे अपने आप ही सुबह 6:30 बजे रनिंग के लिए ग्राउंड पर आ जाते हैं । 3 साल का शिवम भी रोज 3/4 km दौड़ता है। जो बड़े बच्चे हैं वे अब 10 - 15 किलोमीटर तक दौड़ रहे हैं । RH के सभी साथी लगातार बच्चों के सर्वांगीण विकास पर पूरा ध्यान देते हैं। विशेषकर जब सार्थक के 25 बच्चे करोना ग्रस्त हुए तो उस समय RH ग्रुप के सभी सदस्यों ने अपनी अपनी ओर से आर्थिक मदद देकर सार्थक को बहुत अच्छी तरह संभाला । RH ग्रुप सार्थक की बहुत बड़ी ताकत बन गया है। हर 3 महीने में यह ग्रुप सार्थक की कुछ ना कुछ बड़ी मदद करता रहता है। सार्थक यह अपना सौभाग्य समझता है कि हम RH ग्रुप के साथ जुड़े हुए हैं।
डॉ अनिल कुड़िया
संस्थापक, सार्थक सेवा संघ, पुणे
I've been running full marathons for over a decade, but my running performance has plateaued in the last few years. I lost interest in running as a result of the lack of progress, so I took up trekking to keep myself motivated to get fitter. However, joining Runners High a few years ago taught me that there was a method to my running madness that allowed me to challenge and even push my limits. Every season I've been with Runners High, I've worked to improve my fitness and running goals. The coaches are technically sound, with credentials in both running and sports. The training programme objective provides a long-term goal for how I want to progress as a runner. Runners High's community building aspect sets it apart from other running groups, and I am proud to be a part of this Running community.