Runner's High Unity Week FAQ

  • What is the Runner’s High Unity Week about?
  • We as a community are coming together for a week long fitness event. As a community, all of us will run for 7 days trying to cross 15000 Km in total and also introduce 1000 people to exercise and a lifestyle with fitness as a part of it.

  • Why do we need an event like Runner’s High Unity Week now?
  • Runner's High has always believed in Cooperation, Compassion, and Love! We at Runner's High plan to continue this unique event that will bring us all together and make us stronger! This will create a more beautiful community that encourages and helps each other grow! There are times when it's easy to get sucked into the negativity and lose heart. But, we as a community know how not to fall into that trap! We will be with you to stay motivated and healthy!

  • When is it going to happen?
  • August 12th Monday to August 18th, Sunday 2024. As part of the event, every Runner's High runner will not only run every day of the week, a distance scheduled for them, but the runner will also encourage and help at least 3 non-active family members or friends to do at least 100 minutes of easy exercise over the 7 days.

  • What am I supposed to do?
  • Just follow the Runner’s High training schedule and do the workouts every day.

    Every day run:
    FMBB - 10K
    FM - 12K
    JLBR - 15/21.1K
    Half Marathoners - 8K
    10K runners - 5K
    5K - 20 mins of running

    We will still meet at the location as usual - Wed, Sat and Sun. Sunday, everyone meets at Cubbon for last day of Unity week with some fun activities planned by Community team.

    NOTE: Doing more than what is stated above will be overtraining. Listen to your coaches and decide. If you would like to do less, if nursing any niggles or issues etc. please do discuss with your coach.

  • We have always had recovery/rest days in between workout days. Isn’t this idea of continuous running for a week contradicting our training methodology or philosophy?
  • There are different training methodologies that we have espoused and adapted for our community over time. Our philosophy of being injury free and making running a lifelong pursuit remains the same. This Unity week is only a unique way to bring us all together, try out a new training methodology, and let our bodies learn to adapt.

  • I love this concept! Can I just continue doing this and see how many days I can go?
  • This is only a novel way to shake things up. It is not advisable to get into a streak of running or strenuous exercise for too long as you risk injuries and won’t be able to bring any variety into your training. So, let’s follow the schedule and do this as a community.

  • Is there a registration fee?
  • NO. It is free for all members of Runner’s High.

  • Can folks outside of Runner’s High be a part of this?
  • This is a community initiative for all Runner’s High members. However we want you to encourage at least 3 non-active family members or friends to do at least 100 minutes of easy exercise over the 7 days. This means we want you to reach out to your non-running friends and family :)

  • Do folks outside of Runner’s High register?
  • NO. They don’t have to register. Only current members of Runner’s High need to report the non-active members they have inspired. You will report the names and email IDs of the 3 or more non-active family members or friends you would inspire to start exercising during the week.

  • What sort of exercise is OK for someone with a non-active background?
  • Any exercise i.e., slow walking, yoga, climbing stairs, cycling, etc. is fine. We recommend not more than 15-20 mins and just for a few days in the week. This is for folks who have no exercise background and have not been advised by doctors against any activity. Children and senior citizens can also participate in light activities like walking and yoga. Don’t recommend any rigorous activity or make anyone new to exercise push themselves unnecessarily. We only want them to get interested and start in a gentle manner. You can also use the plan we have given out in public for anyone interested in starting the exercise. The video is here

  • Is there any age range for participants outside Runner’s High?
  • Not really. However, for children below 5 years and senior citizens, we recommend you get a go-ahead from your physician for gentle exercise. Don’t force anyone, but do encourage.

  • Are there certificates?
  • Yes! We will give e-certificates to every participant and the friends and family who participate along with you

  • How will you track our progress as individuals and as a team?
  • Every Runner’s High runner can use the existing RH App to log their kms and also enter information on their ‘referrals’.

  • How fast should I run each day?
  • Please follow the schedule and follow the advice of your coaches.

  • What if I miss a day?
  • It is completely fine! Nobody is judging you here. We are trying to learn about our bodies. If you find it hard or feel like resting one of the days, please go ahead! We will still count your efforts and you will get a certificate. Just DON’T make up for it on any other day. A missed day is a missed day. On the other days just do as per schedule.

  • Will there be any Strength Training, Yoga, or Online sessions during that week?
  • NO ST on Thursday or Sunday of that week.

    One Foam rolling session - Restorative and relaxing on Wednesday - in person at location after everyone finishes their Unity week run - for 20 minutes or so.

    One Yoga session for 45 minutes - Restorative and relaxing on Friday

  • If I fall sick or feel not too good on any day, is it ok to skip?
  • It is completely fine! Nobody is judging you here. We are trying to learn about our bodies. If you find it hard or feel like resting one of the days, please go ahead! We will still count your efforts and you will get a certificate. Priority is your health and well-being always!